Saturday, January 14, 2012

Touristy Adventures

I've officially made it to the one week mark here in London!

It is still such a strange feeling to realize that my time in London has merely just begun. I keep thinking I need to be in tourist mode and go go go and get to all the sites but in reality I have a whole 5 months here to experience it all.

But today was definitely a tourist day. As part of my study abroad program we all got tickets for the London Sightseeing Bus Tour. It was a really great tour that allowed you to hop on and off at all the different tourist stops. Me and my friends were not about to brave the cold and sit on top of the bus so we made due with the view from the lower level.

It was nice getting to hear different facts and such about different spots around London. We started our tour at Picadilly Circus and made our way towards Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace. On the way we saw the hotel where Kate Middleton stayed before the wedding and lots of famous people's houses including Margaret Thatcher, Andrew Lloyd Weber and my favorite J.K. ROWLING!!! It may or may not have been dangerous for the tour guide to tell us where her house is because she may or may not find me waiting outside to meet her...

We stopped at Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards but realized that we arrived too late to get a good view. We stayed for a little bit just to see the guards make their way inside the gate but decided we'll check it out again when we plan our timing better.

We got back on the bus and found ourselves by the Thames River where we were able to use our tickets to take a sightseeing cruise down the river. Before we got on the boat we stopped and grabbed lunch at McDonalds. The menu was very much the same but I had to chuckle when I got a little book as my toy in my Happy Meal...I don't think that would fly in the states. But I did realize that that they did have a Cadbury McFlurry on the menu so you can bet I'll be trying that when the weather gets warmer here.

The boat cruise we took was really nice and relaxing! We made our way down the Thames from the London Eye all the way to Greenwich which is right outside of the London city proper. The city was extremely cute and quaint. We visited the market which was filled with vintage shops and delicious looking food. We were on a time crunch to take the last boat back  so we weren't able to see too much else of Greenwich but I can assure you we'll be going back.

A touristy day can not be completed without a touristy purchase so this ladies and gentlemen is my solar powered waving Queen.

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