Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A glimpse into Harrow

These last few days have had their trying moments to say the least. I've come to find that getting sleep in my flat is going to be quite hard to come by. The people that live in my cluster of rooms are quite the night owls to say the least and really know how to party...till 5am with music so loud my bet literally shakes. Blasting club music 5ft away from your room while jetlagged is no fun. I'm trying to remain positive but it's a work in progress.

Today I allowed myself to sleep in after last night's attempt at getting some sleep. I hadn't really seen any of the Harrow Campus besides my dorm since I arrived so I figured I might as well check it out. I found the gym which I was really excited about because I knew running would definitely help relieve some of this added stress I've been dealing with. When I went inside I discovered that the gym is probably 1/10 the size of DePaul's gym with maybe 5 cardio machines and a hand full of weights. But hey a workout is a workout so it felt good to start running again!

Later in the afternoon I had my internship orientation with the coordinator from Westminster. She basically just went over what to expect having an internship and what I need to do in preparation for my first day. When I had my individual appointment with the internship coordinator she said I should be very happy with my placement with TogoRun as it is a very well known and respected PR firm in London so I'm looking forward to getting started.

On a side note, here are some pictures I took of the Harrow Campus and my dorm room. My room is a work in progress as I still need to get some more decorations for the walls but its a good start. :)

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