Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I Can Now Die Happy

I can't believe the day has finally come and gone. I have been anxiously awaiting for the day I would be visiting the Warner Bros. Harry Potter tour since I arrived in London.
Now I've already had my fair share of Harry Potter moments since being in London from seeing the cafe where J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to seeing Daniel Radcliffe himself but seeing the studio where it all happened pretty much takes the cake!

The backlot tour is located about 20 minutes outside of London in the suburb of Watford. When we exited the tube station in the burbs there was a bus covered in Harry Potter pictures ready to take us to the studio. Needless to say I couldn't stop smiling I was so excited.

When my friend and I arrived at the studio we were like two kids in a candy shop struggling to be patient to wait our turn to get in. After watching a short film inside about how Harry Potter has become the world phenomenon it is today we were whisked into the Great Hall of Hogwarts. As cliche as it sounds it really was a magical experience. Having grown up with the books and movies that I've seen way too many times I still can't grasp that I was standing in the middle of the most iconic room from the series.

After touring the Great Hall we were escorted into the main studio area to explore the sets. It was absolutely amazing how no detail was spared in the making of the films. From seeing the intricately painted labels on the wand boxes to the selection of chocolates for the Yule ball I felt like I could have stayed there hours longer just to take it all in.

Here are a few of my favorite sets from the tour!
Potions Classroom
Diagon Alley
 Number 4 Privet Drive

The Gryfindor Common Room
Now one of the things I was most excited to do at the tour was try butter beer! My friends and I attempted to make it awhile back but we somehow managed to forget the all important ingredient of butterscotch. Our tour guide in the great hall made the cruel joke that they had run out of butter beer for the day. I was not pleased at all for the 5 seconds I believed him but I was quickly relieved that he was only joking. The butter beer tasted  delicious if I do say so myself. It reminded me of a root beer float but even better.

The tour finished with the big finale of seeing a HUGE model of Hogwarts Castle. As much of the film is completed by adding digital touches. Most of the exterior shots of Hogwarts were used using this model. Different effects were added such as snow or different lighting on top of shots of this model.

I still can't get over how amazing it was to get to see all the sets and costumes and props from the series in person. As soon as I get home I know I'll be watching the films again from start to finish.

I am going to forewarn everyone that I am now going to be that annoying person when watching the movies. You can expect me to be saying, "I saw that and that...o and that" about every few minutes in the movie.

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