Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tate Modern and Borough Street Market

As I couldn't wait to take my creative writing in London class here I honestly have been kinda disappointed in the lack of focus on LONDON within the class! We meet once a week for three hours and up until this week we had yet to leave the classroom (besides our brief trip to observe the street).

This week though we finally left the white wall box and went to the Tate Modern and Borough Market. Even though I am not the biggest fan of modern art I was excited to just get out of the class for a change. We were allowed to spend a few hours wandering around and write about what "inspires" us.

I've come to realize that classes here are so much more relaxed regarding guidelines and rules so this whole go with what speaks to you thing has been kinda difficult. I was able to find a few pieces that were on the more normal end of the spectrum of art and wrote back stories on the characters in the paintings. It was kinda fun to think about what inspired the artists to create such works of art and wonder if it in anyways resonated with what I had just come up with.

After the museum we made our way over to the Borough Market which was located close by and right along the Thames. We had THE perfect day for the trip as it was sunny and pushing 60 degrees! It really doesn't get much better than that in London. Our Professor told us to walk around and observe people to get ideas to write a dialogue. But lets not kid ourselves when you leave 10 students to walk around a food market during lunch time observing people really wasn't our main concern if you could believe it. Me and a few friends from the class checked out all the interesting and unique foods from the different vendors. We quickly learned that taking advantage of  free samples was a nice way to avoid paying for lunch..and quite delicious too I might add! We sampled about five different kinds of cheese, olive oil, and lots of delicious desserts.

This weekend I'm trying to focus on getting ahead on my homework as my mum is coming to London on Monday! I am so excited to show her around where I live and do some touristy things. We already have afternoon tea scheduled (pinkies up!), seeing the Broadway musical Matilda, and other odds and ends sorts of things.

P.S Happy belated Pancake Day from London!

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