Thursday, February 16, 2012

Internship Happenings

It's so hard to believe how fast time flying by here and that I'm already in my 5th week of my internship.

Things at work had gotten a little dull I guess you could say these past few weeks. But after speaking with my supervisor May I realized that I needed to put forth more of an effort to get to know others better and make the initiative to ask for bigger tasks.

So this week I have already made an improvement. I initiated grabbing breakfast with Mary, an Account Supervisor in the office. She suggested the Embankment Cafe that is located right by the river where I could get a "proper English breakfast." Having never had the traditional breakfast I found it quite good but the conversation was even better. She spoke about her career path and being married to one of the top journalists for the U.K. newspaper The Guardian, which I found quite cool. My initiative to get to know her better helped me in the office as well as she invited me to sit in on a client call. She even asked me if I would be willing to lead one of the "lunch and learn" sessions in the office about my experience in social media. I was quite flattered and I'm really excited for the opportunity to share my past experiences with everyone.

Yesterday I also got to experience something new and exciting at the office. I attended my first media audit where one of our clients, Eli Lilly brought in journalists and healthcare professionals to talk about future campaign ideas regarding lung cancer. It wasn't exactly the most exciting or uplifting topic but it was great being able to hear the journalists and PR professionals bounce around their ideas. I love having those aha moments that remind me that PR is for me and last night was definitely one of those nights.

On a side note I had to add a picture of this fantabulous PR student by Cadbury in Covent Gardens. Who doesn't love a giant chocolate egg?

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