Wednesday, March 14, 2012

About that grading system

So I'll be the first to admit that I can be (a little?) high strung about my grades but I think anyone would react the way I did when I received my first grade on a paper since being here with the number 66 written on it.
Now I knew that the grading system was different here but the number 66 just seemed universally wrong.
I was rushing back to my room after class to google the grade equivalence difference when I luckily ran into my flatmate in the kitchen and pretty much demanded an explanation.
She explained that they don't use the A, B, C etc. system here but rather 1st marks (70-80), 2 -1 mark (69-65), 2-2 mark (64-60) least I think I got it right here.

So realizing that I most likely got the equivalent to a B+ on my paper I was curious to know how hard it is to get a first mark (or A) here.

My flatmate said that professors don't really hand out 1st marks that easily here and that only a select few students actually get them. I was kinda bummed to hear this because at home I feel like Professors  are a lot more lenient with giving out As even though they would probably hate to admit it.

With only a few weeks left of class (hard to believe!) the stress of school is definitely starting to catch up with me. As most of my classes only have 2 major papers that make up my grade I now feel like I have to put a little more effort into my papers after that last grade.

Time is sure flying by which means one thing...spring break is coming soon!

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