Tuesday, December 20, 2011

TogoRun has a New Intern

Last week my unnaturally loud phone woke me at the lovely hour of 6am. Trying to pull myself together I realized the caller id on my phone said "unknown" so I figured it oculd only be someone from London giving me a ring. It was my internship cordinator from Harrow University calling to congratulate me on landing the internship with TogoRun PR! My half asleep self was very excited to officially accept the intership.

TogoRun is a healthcare and pharmaceutical PR firm whose parent company is Fleishman Hillard. Fleishman is a very well known and respected firm worldwide so I knew that this internship would be a great opportunity.

When I spoke with the representative from TogoRun  she experessed that during my itnernship I'll get to to draft press releases, compile media lists, attend client planning meetings and other hands on things. Since the office is medium sized I hope that it will be a fantastic way to gain experience while also seeing how a larger company works.

I officially start my internship the week of January 16th so I'm anxiously waiting to get started...and get to London!

17 days to go!

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