Sunday, December 11, 2011

One Step Closer to London

With my visa documents sent (FINALLY) and two interviews complete, the fact that I'll be off to London in less than a month is starting to feel more real.

During my interviews I was a little too excited to hear my interviewers British accent on the other side of the phone. It kinda made it sink in that I'll actually be working in an office while abroad and become a part of the work setting and culture there.

Both interviews went very well but I'm still waiting to hear back. They asked the basic interview questions and were really interested in my experience with my current internship at Check, Please! I took it as a good sign.  Being able to get into a PR agency setting is  a great step for me and my future career and being able to experience this while abroad just turns up the cool factor.

While thinking about the possibility of a future internship opportunity is fun, I could not forget that all important VISA that I first and foremost need to even be able to work abroad. I had to fill out many and I mean many forms and I even had to get fingerprinted to complete my application. (guess I won't be able to go too crazy while in London (darn)). I mailed all my documents and even my passport to the British consulate in New York. It was kinda nerve wracking to send my passport off in the mail but I was relieved when I received my confirmation that it arrived.

I'm one step closer to London and getting that British accent.

26 days till London!

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