Sunday, June 3, 2012

Looking Back on the Trip of a Lifetime

So  my last blog post is long over due as I've been back home for a good week now...but better late than never.

Being back home has been filled with lots of mixed feelings.

I absolutely loved getting off the plane and being greeted  by my mom and sister with big smiles and a welcome home sign and then running into friends I haven't seen in 6 months and causing scenes in a variety of public places this past week. It's such an odd feeling  being back home though. Someone told me that being back would feel like a dream and I thought to myself, I sure hope not! But truth be told it does. Getting back into the routine of being  home and talking about everyday things is so odd. I miss planing my next weekend adventures to different places around London or Europe for that matter. I guess I just need to start thinking about different adventures I can have stateside this summer!

As soon as I got home my sister asked me to name my top five favorite moments from the last 6 months. It was a challenge to pick 5 since I've had so many great experiences but I thought I would share them to give a cliff notes version of my time abroad.

Top 5 Moments:

1. Trip to Barcelona.

The city was absolutely beautiful with such unique architecture and culture. The sunny and 72 degree weather was definitely a plus compared to the rainy and cold weather we'd  been having in London.

2. All my Harry Potter moments.

As I had too many Harry Potter moments to count from this trip I had to put them all into one. From seeing Daniel Radcliffe, to the cafe where J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter, to visiting the movie sets my nerd dreams definitely came true.

3. Afternoon Tea with my Mum

Having my mum come to London was a treat in itself but our afternoon tea experience was the icing on the cake! All the little cakes and sandwiches and scones were absolutely delicious. I must say I have also come to have a love for tea these past few months.

4. The Markets

One of the things I wish I could have brought back to America with me is the popularity of the markets. There were such a variety of treasures to be found and every experience was different and exciting.

5. Getting to know some Brits

I think one of the main highlights of my trip was getting to know the people of London. While I have had the privilege to travel to many different places, it's not until I've lived in London that I felt like I really got to know a culture outside of America.  I'm so lucky to have been able to learn about the British culture and become friends with my flatmates and coworkers from my internship. While I miss them already I know we'll keep in touch!

I can't thank you all enough for following my blog and keeping in touch while I've been gone. It truly means a lot knowing I have so many great friends and family to come home to and share all my experiences with.
