Monday, November 28, 2011

Study Abroad Round Two

It's bittersweet to think that a year ago today I set off for a journey of a lifetime to study abroad for three weeks in Morocco. I saw amazing sites that will forever be ingrained in my memory, faced many cultural blunders, but most importantly I made friends and memories that I know will always stick with me.

As the short  program left a great impression, I knew I wanted to participate in a longer program to gain a more in depth experience of a culture. With that said I am truly excited to see what the next five months abroad in London have in store for me.

I'll be studying abroad at the University of Westminster from this coming January till May. While in London I'll be living in a dorm at the Harrow Campus (a small suburb just north of London) and taking three communications related courses. An exciting component of my program is that I'll also have a part time Public Relations internship along with my classes. I am currently in the process of having my resume reviewed by related companies in London. I even have my first phone interview this Friday...may I add bright and early at 7AM! The interview is with New Century Media, a small London based PR firm. I've been doing my research and they work with corporate, city and political clients so I'm definitely interested in learning more about the company during my interview. I've also been told from a friend that the office has a view of the London Eye.... so not a bad bonus!

I'm looking forward to using the next month to prep for my time abroad by reading up on London and the UK and even get ideas together for weekend trips.

I look forward to having you with me as I blog about this once in a lifetime journey.


(P.S. The British lingo starts now!)