Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Break Plans

As it is now the middle of March  this means I have to say I am starting to get spring break fever!

The way spring break works here is actually pretty different compared to how it's done at home. I officially end classes the first week in April and I then have spring break till the first week in May when final exams take place. As all my finals are papers I'll be pretty much done with classes the first week of April.

While a few of my friends will have to be back in London for finals in May we essentially have an entire month to do some traveling!

My friend Vethina and I are leaving for our spring break trip April 12. All I have to say is 21 days. 4 countries. 7 cities. 1 backpack.
My legit backpacking backpack arrived in the mail the other day and I now getting beyond excited that this is really happening. To give you the lowdown of our trip we will be starting in Germany in Munich, which is a dream come true for me as I'll be able to put my German to good use (finally!!), then off to Vienna, Athens, and Italy where we will visit Rome, Pisa, Florence and Venice.

I'm tired just thinking about it but as my friend and I are huge fans of The Amazing Race so I have no doubt we can handle it.

We will be flying from city to city taking cheap European airlines where you can find flight tickets for as cheap as 10 pounds! But taking these cheaper airlines means that you have to be extra careful with your baggage size as you're only allowed a carry on bag for free.I remember thinking packing for Morocco for three weeks was hard with my one suitcase but this will be a challenge. I've basically had to tell myself that these three weeks are not going to be a fashion show so I am warning you all now for when you see my pictures in the future (ha!).
As we tour around Europe we will be staying at hostels in mostly 6 all girl rooms. I'm sure sharing a room is going to make for some interesting stories to say the least so I am bracing myself for that.

Spring break will be here before I know it so I'm doing my best to focus on all the school work I need to get done now so I can then focus on spring break...which is a lot more fun and exciting to say the least.

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